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Sora No Otoshimono Wiki
Kanji: イカロス
Romaji: Ikarosu
Others: Icarus (English dub)
Uranus Queen
Sky Queen (空の女王, Sora No Joō)
Generation: First
Gender: Female
Species: Angeloid
Height: 162 cm (5'4")
Weight: 48 kg
Master: Master of Synapse (former)

Tomoki Sakurai

Type: α (Alpha)
Class: Battle
Wing Type: Variable
Occupation: Student
Debut (Manga): Chapter 1
Debut (Anime): Episode 1
Appears in: Manga, Anime, and Movie
Seiyuu: Saori Hayami
English Voice: Brittney Karbowski

Ikaros (イカロス, ikarosu?) is the deuteragonist and the main female character of the Sora no Otoshimono series.


Ikaros was sent from Synapse via the portal to Earth by Daedulas and was found by Tomoki. She rescued him from the falling debris from Synapse and "imprinted" on him, making Tomoki her master. It is later revealed that she was sent to the Earth by Daedalus to be with Tomoki.

She initially believed and claimed to Tomoki that she was a pet-class Angeloid, type Alpha, called Ikaros. She told him she would fulfill all his desires. While Ikaros begins the series with a poor grasp on human emotions, she eventually develops deeper emotions and begins to fall in love with Tomoki. Her lack of initial emotion is because she has high battle and processing capability, but low emotional control. She is willing to sacrifice herself if it means ensuring the safety of her master. Later in the series, her feelings for Tomoki became romantic, and initially confused her.

Towards the end of the series, it is revealed that a child (with a resemblance to Tomoki) that accidentally became her master after she destroyed the Tower of Babel under orders from Synapse. He asked her to destroy Synapse. She was stopped by the combined efforts of Astrea, Nymph and the Harpies. Fearing her powers, the Angels of Synapse sealed her powers and programmed her to burn to death if she went near Synapse without authorization.


Ikaros is initially submissive, melancholic, and usually placid but resorts to violence if her master, Tomoki, is in danger. She is fiercely loyal to Tomoki and does anything to please and protect him. She loves anything round and smooth, like watermelons. Ikaros has incrementally developed the capacity to experience various emotions throughout the series, such as sorrow, love, anger, anguish and more.

Due to her low emotional capacity, Ikaros was initially unable to experience or express emotions. She has developed intense feelings towards Tomoki, but was unable to express them until they reached the Synapse. Before entering the Synapse, Ikaros passionately kisses Tomoki and confesses her true feelings, telling him that she loves him. After she was resurrected, she was embarrassed by the recollection of her confession to Tomoki.

In the manga, after she was embarrassed by the recollection of her confession to Tomoki prior to her "death", Tomoki settled things with Ikaros about her confession. The story concludes with them deciding to stay together for ever. 


Ikaros has a voluptuous build with long, rosy-pink hair styled in pigtails secured with dark-pink ribbons. Her hair has an "ahoge" a long strand of protruding hair, which usually twitches when Tomoki is in danger.

Ikaros has emerald-colored eyes, except for when she is operating in Uranus Mode, during which her eyes become red. Also during her Uranus mode, her hair becomes more unkempt with a halo appearing above her head. She wears a choker around her neck with a broken chain.

While she is not in combat, Ikaros usually wears a white mini dress with a deep v-neck, to the point where it exposes her bellybutton. She weighs 48 kilograms (105 lbs.), she stands at 162 cm (5'4") and her wings are the Variable type wings, which are priceless and are coveted by Synapse.

Her measurements are: Bust: 88 cm, Waist: 57 cm, and Hip: 85 cm. Despite having an 88cm bust, Ikaros' breasts appear to have the same volume as Sohara Mitsuki's.



Tomoki getting saved by Ikaros

At first, Ikaros is very submissive towards her new master and seeks to please him by granting him whatever he desires by using a special Summoning Card that allows her to order anything for Tomoki's wishes and desires from the world of the Synapse. As a Pet-Class Angeloid, she is built and designed to obey her master and to serve his every command and need at all costs. Tomoki, who is still in shock from the events of the prior night, awakes to find Ikaros sitting by his bed, awaiting his first orders for her to perform.

When he discovers that she can summon almost anything that he desires from her world through the use of the Transport Card, Tomoki's perverted nature takes over. Tomoki, along with Ikaros, who is pleased to help her master attain happiness, goes out on a day-long rampage around Sorami Town. He does things that he could only dream of being able to do without ever getting caught for it. He terrorizes his unknowing friend Sohara Mitsuki (who is busy trying to fit her increasingly large breasts into her bra) by turning himself and Ikaros invisible and groping her breasts until Sohara freaks out. When Ikaros asks why her master is doing this, he responds that this is "punishment" for her giving him one of her powerful karate chops the previous day.

Card Teleport

Ikaros pulls out the Transport Card to grant Tomoki's wish.

He then goes on a perverted rampage around the town, shrinking himself to fit in the gap between other women's breasts, stopping time so he can "examine" the bodies, and undergarments of the girls at school, and running around public areas around town stark naked with Ikaros in tow. He wipes out the entire human race excluding himself after wishing for world domination, which Ikaros states that no one would accept Tomoki as their supreme leader, and thus removed all humans so he could dominate the world by himself. He orders Ikaros to not bother him again, since his life is now ruined. Interpreting it as an order for her to kill herself, she summons a pistol, but is stopped by Tomoki. He begs her to ignore his last order for he did not think that it meant that she would kill herself to fulfill it, but she tells him that she can not ignore his previous order and must carry it out. Tomoki gives her a new order to "stay by his side" and she stops. When Tomoki mutters that he wished that this was all just a crazy dream, she warps him back to the previous morning and returns everything back to normal by warping reality to make the day a dream.

When Sohara walks into Tomoki's room after he fails to answer the door and sees the semi-nude Ikaros sitting next to his bed chained to his wrist, she freaks out and unleashes her infamous Karate Chops upon him. Eishirou Sugata of the New World Discovery Club takes interest in the Transport Cards that she carries (after reversing the wild events of the prior day, the original Summoning Card was erased, and now she uses an older set of cards that only grant one wish a piece) while Tomoki is still recovering from the brutal beating that Sohara unleashed on him. Ikaros is sent on a shopping trip by Tomoki, and she mistakenly purchases things that have nothing to do with what he wants (such as getting a watermelon after taking a great interest in it or buying a baby chicken to cook for dinner).

Meanwhile, back in the mysterious world of the Synapse, the Master of Synapse summons one of his personal servants, "Electronic Warfare: Type Beta" Angeloid, Nymph and to go down to Earth and "recover" Ikaros. He wishes to extract the extremely rare and valuable wings that she possesses (the fabled Variable Type wings, which possess special abilities and allow for precise flying) and to bring back Ikaros to become one of his "possessions". Nymph sets off to Sorami to locate and intercept Ikaros for extraction, but is hampered by the fact that Ikaros has become linked to Tomoki and how weak compared to Ikaros she is (she excels at hacking and stealth, but her overall strength is severely lacking compared to Ikaros). Nymph hacks into Ikaros's systems and unlocks all the restraints on the emotional controls that render Ikaros submissive. Unknown to Nymph, the restraints on the emotional controls also control the ability for Ikaros to engage her ultra-powerful Uranus Queen mode, and with nothing to stop it from being accessed, Ikaros activates it. Nymph, who fails to realize this, faces Ikaros, who aims her Apollon bow at her. With no chance to succeed, Nymph retreats and returns to Synapse to inform her master of her failure.

Nymph Ikaros

Nymph corners Ikaros before hacking into her system.

Back on the palace grounds in Synapse, Nymph makes her way inside and returns to her irritated master, Minos, who is not pleased with the continued failures of his "junk" servant. He has her tell him what she treasures most, and she replies that it is a rare and beautiful songbird that she has found and begun to take care of, which somehow flew to synapse. Smiling, he orders her to kill the bird before him as to prove her loyalty to him. When she hesitates in shock from his cruel order, he forces her to destroy her beautiful songbird with her own bare hands before kicking her head with his foot, taking pleasure in her tears. As a final act of his malice upon her, he attaches a time-delayed bomb collar around her neck, which will detonate if she takes too long to recover Ikaros or if he wishes for her to die.

Harpies Arc[]

Nymph returns to Tomoki's house in order to get close to her target, Ikaros again, but over time, she starts to develop feelings for Tomoki and becomes good friends with Ikaros. Seeing how nicely Tomoki and his friends treat Ikaros and herself, Nymph can't bring herself to carry out her orders and does not carry out her mission as planned. She just wants to enjoy the last few days of freedom before she the explosive collar around her neck nears the day of final detonation that her master pre-programmed into it. With less than a 1/4th of the bar remaining on the timer, the eventual detonation draws near for Nymph. Seeing that Nymph will not carry out his orders, the Man of Synapse turns to his two loyal Angeloid servants, the Harpies to help "convince" Nymph to finish her mission and please her master once and for all. The two Harpies venture down to Earth from Synapse to follow Nymph at a distance, observing the movements and behaviors of both her and their master's target: Ikaros. The two Harpies eventually confront Nymph and use their skills of deception to trick her into a plan that involves bringing the unknowing Ikaros to a predetermined location so they can capture her and return her to their master. They also lie to her that their master back in Synapse would be pleased with her if she succeeded, which convinces her to follow through with their scheme. While the two Harpies leave and prepare the trap, Nymph returns to Tomoki's house and asks Ikaros to join her to see a most beautiful cherry tree that is in full bloom. The two of them set off, leaving the house before Tomoki and the others return from Christmas shopping in town.

When the two Angeloids arrive at the cherry tree at the foot of the mountains, the two Harpies (hidden away from Ikaros by a special shield that makes them invisible to everyone) fire a massive blast of energy at the unsuspecting Ikaros, tearing off one of her pink wings and knocks her out cold. Nymph, shocked by what the Harpies have done to Ikaros, demands to know why they attacked her so brutally. The Harpies clue Nymph in on their real assignment from their master in Synapse, and prepare to depart with Ikaros's limp body. Horrified at what the Harpies true intentions are and how brutally the Harpies attacked Ikaros, Nymph launches her mighty Paradise Song attack, taking the two Harpies by surprise with a powerful blast of rainbow-colored energy that carves a swath of destruction before her. To her horror, both Harpies escaped her attack with minor energy burns, and they turn their full brutality upon the hapless Nymph. They pin her to the ground and proceed to rip both of her wings out, taking twisted pleasure in the screams of agony that Nymph releases as she struggles to stay alive. Behind them, the lifeless form of Ikaros starts to stir as her systems recover from the surprise attack that had knocked her out minutes ago. Tomoki, Sohara, Eishiro, and Mikako, who have been looking for the two Angeloids after discovering them to be missing earlier, arrive at the site of the fight. They are shocked to see a battered Ikaros on the ground, while the two Harpies continue to harass Nymph. Ikaros slowly gets to her feet, still shaken from the surprise attack, and prepares to activate her ultimate power, her unstoppable Uranus Queen program.

207850-the wicked end super

The massive power of Ikaros's Hephaestus Strike.

The Harpies turn their attention to the group of humans and Ikaros behind them, surprised that she was able to recover from their attack so quickly. Nymph, afraid of what Tomoki and his friends will think of Ikaros if she uses her Uranus Queen mode in front of them, pleads with Ikaros not to use it. Ikaros activates her Uranus Queen program with Tomoki's permission, which repairs her damaged wing, and gives her access to staggering amounts of power. The Harpies, realizing that the end is near, both fire their Prometheus canons at Ikaros, but their shots are harmlessly deflected by the powerful Aegis Shield that protects Ikaros when she has her Uranus Queen mode active. Meanwhile, Tomoki and friends desperately try to free Nymph from her master's chain of service from around her neck, which will activate the explosive collar and kill Nymph in mere minutes. After several minutes of struggling, they manage to break the chain of service with a spare axe that Eishiro had in his possession, thus freeing Nymph from service to her cruel master in Synapse forever. Knowing that they have no chance against their enemy, the Harpies try to escape from the wrath of the now-unstoppable Ikaros, firing quick blasts from their Prometheus canons in a feeble attempt to slow her down. Undeterred by their attempts to hinder her pursuit of them, Ikaros summons her ultimate weapon; the powerful Hephaestus spaceship, armed with dozens of powerful energy cannons that lock upon the two stunned Harpies and fires. With a massive beam of pure energy so powerful that it can be seen from space, the two Harpies are blasted all the way back to Synapse, lucky enough not to be vaporized in the blast. With her enemies gone and her friends safe, Ikaros returns to her normal mode.

Astraea Arc[]

She is initially concerned when Suguta wans them of an angeloid planning to attack Tomoki. She uses her radar along with Nymph to detect the enemy. She relaxes once she learns the Angeloid sent to kill Tomoki is Astrea. SHe is present when Nymph explains the Angeloids functionality to Sugata.

Chaos Arc[]

Hiyori Kazane Arc[]

She decides not to tell Tomoki about Hiyori's death or her true nature. She is later forced to fight Kazane after she is converted in to an angeloid.

Return of Chaos Arc[]

Ikaros Melan Arc[]

Ikaros is attacked by Ikaros Melan and critically injured. She later evolves into a stronger version thanks to the Pandora system installed by Daedalus and manages to defeat the Second Generation Angeloids.


They are attacked right afterward by Chaos, who absorbs the core of the Melan angeloids.

Synapse (End) Arc[]

In chapter 77, she died because of Tomoki's order "Take me to Synapse!". Ikaros already knows that she will be dead or be burnt alive after entering Synapse. Knowing she will die taking Tomoki to Synapse, Ikaros confesses her love to Tomoki before disintegrating leaving nothing but an orb in a crying Tomoki's hands. Due to the orb 'they' (Ikaros, Nymph, Astraea, Harpies, Sohara, Yoshitsune, Sugata and everyone who died) forced themselves into one and gave Tomoki the strength to beat the Master of Synapse, along with Daedalus and Mikako's help. They were able to have a new wish granted on the 'Rule', everyone was brought back to life.

Note: The beginning of events are animated in Eternal my Master in the intro, while the rest of the chapter was released as a special in the blue ray disc. (This event was presumed to be not related to the anime version or as a filler taking place before the main plot of the Eternal my Master).

Epilogue (manga version)[]

Afterwards, Ikaros remembered her confession toward Tomoki when asked by the others about happened after everything disappeared and became embarrassed after remembering it. Tomoki, after thinking over Ikaros's confession, has decided that she can stay by his side forever.

Eternal My Master[]

Ikaros attempts to kiss Tomoki but fails. Later as she does house chores as usual, Nymph and Astraea take Tomoki on a date; she shows some kind of frustation by staying behind.

While Sugata and the others ( at the exception of Tomoki and Ikaros ) discuss about Synapse; Later on Ikaros denies anything to do with it (rejecting her past).As everyone comes home, Tomoki wonders why Ikaros doesn't show emotions and assumes it because of the imprinting chain. Nymph and Astraea get into a sister fight. Tomoki is getting tired of the troublesome routine and tries to kick them out but they shout his own words back at him that Angeloids are freeloaders. Tomoki then breaks Ikaros' imprinting, with Daedalus and Sohara muttering their dismayed. Tomoki's day becomes even rougher as everyone are condescending him. Mikako takes Ikaros to her household for the time-being to aggravate Tomoki.

Mikako scans Ikaros' memory (implying that Mikako was an Angeloid) and reminds Ikaros about her dark past. The next day, the girls try to make breakfast for Tomoki however their quality doesn't meet any standard. Ikaros crashes in picking up Tomoki in a bold manner saying she won't hand over him to anyone. lying in the air, Ikaros recklessly drops Tomoki in a restaurant on his command as their date. Proposing they should go somewhere with just the two of them, Ikaros chases after Tomoki begging him to be her master again. Arriving at the sakura tree, Tomoki reminisces anything that happened since he met Ikaros. The others show up lecturing him that he needs to think deeply how Ikaros feels and what she wants. Mikako then "orders" Ikaros to throw Tomoki somewhere high up, as a way of to provoke their grudge from each other.

Screaming out of despair; wondering the purpose she was created for and having no other place to go to, Ikaros tearfully begs Tomoki to be her master as he is all she ever wants. Realizing his foolishness and Ikaros true feeling he accepts her by imprinting and returns to everyone happily.

Appearance in Other Media[]

Daisuki desu! Mahou Tenshi Kosumasu[]

There's a urban legend that if anyone tried to cut and ate the watermelon, a certain angel would shown up and kill that person.

When Cosmos Akikaze and the residents of the Akikaze apartment play watermelon game at the beach, an giant sand golem with the appearance of Ikaros had appeared and attacked them from harming the watermelon.

Yūryō Bukken Mō Dame Sō: Furo, Toilet to Tenshi wa Kyōdō Desu[]

Before Ikaros made her appearance in the manga, Tampopo Oinu once tried to cosplay as Ikaros by wearing her clothes.

Ikaros appears in Chapter 13 of the manga together with Tomoki. After found out Hamuel has wings and halo and also the the fact that she stay with Yuugo Sayama, whom Tomoki seems to recognize, Tomoki told Ikaros to investigate Hamuel and check if she's another one of Synapse's many schemes. Ikaros immediately went to meet her, in which caught Hamuel surprised.

This meeting also hinted that the manga may be take place in the same world as Sora no Otoshimono series, which was eventually confirmed at Chapter 16 with the appearance of Sugata and his conversation with his younger brother Yuugo.

Once they face each other, Hamuel keep theorizing who Ikaros is and she ultimately settled that Ikaros is her new junior sent by the Archangel to help her, in which Ikaros shown to be amused. Ikaros then introduced herself as Hamuel's "junior" and play with her. While walking at the forest, Hamuel asked Ikaros what is she capable of, and Ikaros shown all of her combat skills which terrified Hamuel. Ikaros then shoot Apollon arrow and accidentally blow up an mountain behind Hamuel, caused her to be so shocked to the point she can't react at all.

Hamuel later brought Ikaros into the Dame Sou apartment and want the latter to cook. Ikaros made tons of foods for the residents and they all enjoyed her foods. Being in despair, Hamuel "announced" that she will "graduate" from Dame Sou and return to the "heaven", although none of them cares about it which disappointed her. Ikaros then return to Tomoki's house without giving farewell to the Dame Sou residents.

When Ikaros returned home, Tomoki asked her about the investigation and she responded she meet a good "senior" in the process. Soon, Tomoki saw a news that an mountain suddenly blow up into a huge hole, in which he believes it was obviously Ikaros who caused that. He then flipped the table and angered that Ikaros completely forgot about his request and she went too far.

Abilities and Weapons[]

Pet-Class Angeloid[]

As a Pet-Class Angeloid, Ikaros carries the powerful Transport Card (a summoning device that delivers whatever she orders to her location from the Synapse). The original card she carried at the beginning of the story allowed for her to use only one card to summon items. After it gets lost when she reverses the wild misadventure of Tomoki, she has to use an older model that only allows for one request per card. She has many of these cards and never seems to run out.

Strategic Battle-Class: Type-Alpha Angeloid[]

As the story progresses, it is revealed that Ikaros is more than just a mere Pet-Class Angeloid, she is really a mighty Strategic Battle-Class: Type-Alpha Angeloid (the most powerful of the 1st Generation Angeloid models).

Ikaros has the ability to fly at Mach 24 with her wings while her powers were blocked.

Ikaros was able to solve complex math equations easily just by detecting the problem and solving it.

Aegis (イージス, Ījisu)
Aegis Ikaros can generate a nigh-invincible energy shield that can cover 360 degree angle and can defend against almost all attacks. Her shield can make her almost invulnerable when it is successfully deployed. It was stated she could use this shield on a planetary scale. She can manipulate the energy of this shield such as making frontal shields or deploying shields around her enemies. Stated to contain Hiyori's collapse of space and time so it won't affect the continuum.
Artemis Ikaros Wings She has the ability to fire multiple to even millions of explosive projectiles from her wings that could follow its target forever. Power varies depending on Ikaros' seriousness. She can even fire millions of them like she did to the Babylonian population. Artemis is fast enough to cross the world within seconds in Uranus Form.
Apollon (アポロン, Aporon)
Apollon Also known as Apollon, is a devastating bow. Its arrow is very destructive and can destroy a whole country in one shot when she was weak from Nymph’s ambush. It was used to destroy the Tower of Babel. (Before the start of the series). She used these to spam Synapse when she was ordered to destroy the land. The land is so strong it was not unaffected by the Big Bang apparently let alone the elimination of the universe.
Hephaestus (Romanji, Romanji)
Uranus In the anime, Ikaros can summon a colossal space warship called Hephaestus, which is armed with massive energy cannons that when combined into a single shot, fires a beam so powerful that it could literally shatter the Earth on impact, possibly even more than that. In the manga, Hephaestus is a giant cannon that fires a straight wide laser beam, though seemingly having the power of the warship.
Uranus System (天王星, Uranus)
UranusUranus2Uranus3Uranus4 The Uranus System is designed and developed by Daedalus, the energy source is the Variable Wing Core, which made the name Uranus Queen Ikaros; which appears for the first time in Sora no Otoshimono in the thirteenth episode. It allows her to unlock her full power potential and grants her access to incredible weapons to use in battle. When in Uranus Queen mode, Ikaros has access to four powerful weapons/abilities, that makes her almost unstoppable in battle.

When she triggers her Uranus Queen mode, her green eyes turn red/purple, her soft, pink wings change into a bright light, and a golden halo appears above her head. Ikaros can either call up parts (robotic arms, primary guns) while in Uranus Queen mode, or it convenes completely. The Uranus system can either be used to fight or as a means of transportation, i.e flying at Mach speeds.

In the fight against the two gamma-type Angeloid, they had to withdraw because they had no chance against Ikaros in her Uranus Queen mode.

During the battle with Chaos, she had to take her to the bottom of the sea while in Uranus Queen mode using Hephaestus (the first ship of strategic combat), causing her to lose the usage of the ability for later battles. She would have sunk to the bottom of the sea along with chaos, had Astraea not intervened and pulled her back up to the surface. Hephaestus appears behind from Ikaros with loops that connect to a network.

Pandora solved all weaknesses after she evolved.

Ikaros by sasuke18 xd-d4i2ha7 Aka the "Self-Evolution Program", it allows an angeloid possessing it to grow in power through time and the absorption of other things. It also repairs broken systems and functions. The program that Ikaros is using is supposedly the ultimate program, even the Man of Synapse feared it's power, which is why he tried so hard to recover it along with the variable wing core. After her Pandora evolution, her abilities vastly increase. Ikaros was so powerful that she was gaining the power to take on the New Advanced Synapse since she last destroyed it. Her speed should be faster than light. Her flight speed is faster than Pandora Astraea, who was able to fly on photons. Ikaros is fast enough to deploy and reduce her reaction speed by 3.5 femtoseconds from Artemis by the Melans that are vastly superior in speed from Uranus Queen Ikaros. Her speed has further increased by 370%. She was able to temporarily take on an amped-up Chaos in battle.
Radar (Kanji, Japanese)
Ikaros also has a powerful radar, but not as powerful as Nymph's. Ikaros' radar can detect anything or anyone from a faraway distance. When Astraea came out to destroy Tomoki, Ikaros and Nymph were able to do a wide-area radar scan to find out where Tomoki was. Ikaros detected Astraea as an enemy threat as Close Combat Angeloid Type: Delta, Astraea. As an Alpha Angeloid, she can use her radar to detect or track anything from anywhere, and her radar enhances her intelligence. She also has long-range interdimensional communication to talk with anyone in Synapse. She used her radar to scan the planet and attack Astraea from the other side. She also senses someone approaching the planet. Any Angeloid can see in a radar form depending on the color of their eyes. Ikaros is an Alpha Angeloid, so she can see in a radar form with the color red from her eyes whenever she activates her radar from her eyes, but her eyes are emerald green, so she can see in a radar form with the color green. Ikaros can see in a radar form with whatever color eyes she has, but she can still see the colors that are around her with green.


  • Tomoki Sakurai - Master and love interest. He has the same feelings for her. (manga 77 and 77.2) (Anime : Forte episode 12 and Eternal my Master). Is assumed that Tomoki chose Ikaros.
  • Nymph - "Sister", classmate, fellow Angeloid, former enemy and love rival.
  • Astraea - "Sister", classmate, fellow Angeloid, former enemy and love rival.
  • Chaos - Fellow Angeloid and former enemy.
  • Hiyori Kazane - Friend, classmate, fellow Angeloid, and love rival.
  • Oregano - Friend and fellow Angeloid.


  • Ikaros' face sightly resembles Tarutaru from one of Suu Minazuki's previous works, Watashi no Messiah-sama!.
  • Her name Ikaros is a play on Icarus, whereas her creator's name, "Daedalus" is a reference to Daedalus, the Greek mythical figure who created wings of wax for himself and and his son Icarus. It is further played upon when her wings burn when she approaches the Synapse; the Greek Icarus' wings burned when he flew too close to the sun.
  • There's a misconception within the fanbase believing that Ikaros don't have ears due to how they're always hidden by her hair. Suu Minazuki confirmed it on both Twitter and in Yuuryou Bukken Mou Dame Sou - Furo, Toilet to Tenshi wa Kyoudou desu spin-off series that Ikaros does in fact have ears. The reason why Ikaros is rarely seen with her ears visible is to left things ambiguous so that it's up to the fan's imagination whether she have ears or not[1].
  • In epilogue chapter Ikaros and Tomoki has settled their relationship, which concludes that they stay together forever (pretty close to a couple, however in the anime version, which follows eternal my master, it showed that Tomoki apparently loves Ikaros as well and by a third movie Ikaros and Tomoki might become a couple).
  • She has become Tomoki's most beloved and precious girl after she confessed her true feelings to him.
  • Her wings burst into flames in the 77th chapter because she flew too close to the Synapse without permission.
  • Her abilities and weapons (Apollo, Artemis, and Hephaestus) are named after the Greek gods of the sun, hunting, and blacksmiths, respectively. Aegis was the impenetrable shield of Zeus, Greek god of the sky, Apollo was the the god of Archery, same as his twin sister Artemis.
  • When Ikaros was attacking the surface, the boy who gave her the order to destroy the Synapse looks similar to Tomoki.
  • In Eternal My Master, it's revealed that Ikaros was afraid of entering the Synapse, but she worried more about the fate of the world, specifically Tomoki.
  • She has no desire for freedom, as she has no other place to go, and finds happiness in serving Tomoki.
  • Ikaros has a great singing voice, which was confirmed when she sang the song "Fallen Down" in Episode 10 of the anime.
  • She was originally sent to help Tomoki, however, Ikaros and Tomoki have developed very strong feelings for each other.
  • She was created before 100,000,000,000,000,000 A.C.
  • The top speed she can reach while flying is Mach 24.
  • She is ticklish, but doesn't laugh when tickled and instead squirms around heavily.
  • She can reach a depth of 3000 meters.
  • She can survive without oxygen for 720 hours.
  • She likes petting or touching circular objects (e.g. watermelons).
  • Once, in Volume 13 Chapter 51, Ikaros, after seeing Tomoki with her watermelon, decided that the watermelon had equal value in her heart as her master. As soon as Tomoki accidentally breaks the watermelon, she punishes him in a painful way: sending him into space with Hephaestus.
  • In the manga, Ikaros says that she is an entertainment purpose Angeloid, while she states she is a pet-class Angeloid in the anime.
  • She gets jealous of Sohara and Nymph when they are together with Tomoki.
  • In the anime series, Ikaros wanted to marry Tomoki.
  • She is the first girl to kiss Tomoki.
  • In the manga, after the world was restored, Ikaros remembered her confession to Tomoki before dying, so she gets embarrassed after remembering it. In the end, Tomoki settled things with Ikaros, concluding that she can stay by his side for as long as she wants (in other words they can stay together forever).
  • In Sora no Otoshimono: Forte episode 6 ending, Ikaros is taking picture of IKAROS.

Ikaros' "cameo" in Plunderer manga

  • In the Plunderer manga by the same author, whenever something is censored, chibi Ikaros' picture is often used as a censorship.
    • Ikaros also appeared in several Plunderer manga's commercials as well, with her voice actress reprised the role and promoted the manga series.
  • In Chapter 9 of Yuuryou Bukken Mou Dame Sou - Furo, Toilet to Tenshi wa Kyoudou desu manga by the same author, when Tampopo Oinu took tons of sexy and revealing photos of herself in attempts to attract Yuugo Sayama's attention, one of the photos shown her cosplaying as Ikaros alongside with another photo as Hina from Plunderer.
    • Ikaros would later made her debut alongside with Tomoki in Chapter 13 of the manga, confirmed that it's part of the same universe.


